Our Mission:
empower chefs to waste less food
‘Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, but teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime’.. or so the saying goes. And it was partly this philosophy that inspired father and son duo Ronnie and Daniel Truss to tackle food waste with the launch of Chefs Eye Tech.
As Ronnie recalls;
“For so long food waste was something that we all accepted as part of the business, but never really tried to solve. I believe that another core problem is how chefs are taught about food in the first place. I never used to conceptualise waste in any other way than what it physically meant. Once the waste was taken away and we had paid the bill for its removal, that was all we really worried about as operators.”
But as that waste removal bill mounted up, it became apparent that there was perhaps more food waste than they realised. Looking for solutions, Ronnie had hit upon a point that is seldom discussed with chefs in the restaurant industry as he realised not many chefs are given an introduction to the monetary value of the foods they are throwing away.
This is where Daniel picks up the point;
“Looking closer at our restaurant operations, I monitored the food production & realised how much of our cost was due to waste. That led to further research into what options there were to prevent it. Seeing a system that worked at preventing food waste brought home to me the amount that a business could save if we were more conscientious about our food waste. We had to give it a go.”
And give it a go they did. Trialling different systems, it became apparent they needed to start from scratch. By bringing together technologists and chefs while adding their own expertise as hospitality entrepreneurs, they developed and refined the Chefs Eye Tech system into the intuitive, accurate and robust product they are very proud of today.
According to Ronnie it has been a journey, but the road ahead is full of opportunity;
“As a previous restaurant owner, I know that the shocking statistics on food waste are sadly true. Restaurants, hotels, contract caterers, airlines and hospitals – all of these businesses in the foodservice sector deal with waste in a way that needs to be modernised. We can do that for them with Chefs Eye Tech.
This global problem needs a global solution. That's why we're proud of working with world-class clients and leading chefs across the globe who are committed to sustainability and reducing food waste - from the Middle East to Europe, to right here in the UK where we began this journey.”
by chefs, for chefs:
"‘It’s sometimes unavoidable, but often it’s completely unnecessary – I’ve spent years as a chef, I know the issues. We just wanted to provide an easy option that uses technology to save time in busy kitchens, and allows the business to save money and cut their environmental impact."
— Ronnie Truss | Co-founder, Chefs Eye
Pictured L-R | Founders Ronnie and Daniel Truss during one of the many training workshops they’ve held to educate clients, chefs and customers about the challenge of wasting less food.
According to Ronnie it has been a journey, but the road ahead is full of opportunity;
“As a previous restaurant owner, I know that the shocking statistics on food waste are sadly true. Restaurants, hotels, contract caterers, airlines and hospitals – all of these businesses in the foodservice sector deal with waste in a way that needs to be modernised. We can do that for them.
This global problem needs a global solution. That's why we're proud of working with world-class clients and leading chefs across the globe who are committed to sustainability and reducing food waste - from the Middle East to Europe, to right here in the UK where we began this journey.”
Get Involved
The good news is that food loss and waste is starting to get the attention it deserves, both from the public and private sectors.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Agriculture announced an ambitious goal in line with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to reduce food waste in the United States by 50 percent by 2030.
In just five years, the UK cut food waste by 21 percent, and Denmark achieved an impressive 25 percent reduction over the same time span. On the business side, the Consumer Goods Forum (CGF), which represents more than 400 companies across 70 countries, recently adopted a resolution to reduce food waste among member facilities by half by 2025.
Reducing food waste will not only boost food security, but also improve livelihoods, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save land and water. In short, curbing food waste is both a goal in itself and a means of achieving other SDGs. Here we have shared some starting points for you to get involved:
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Measure your foodwaste
Contact one of our team for a FREE consultation on how we can help empower your team to waste less food.
Make a Difference
Why not get involved in one or two of the organisations who are working to reduce food waste in the UK, and across the globe.